Monday, November 8, 2010

These Are The Times That Try Men's Souls - The Kitchen

The big move, i.e. the kitchen, began on Oct 27, with the plumber tearing down walls and ceilings to locate the pipes to the old kitchen and locating pipes for the new.
Where's that pipe? (Small bedroom)
Here it is. (Basement)
Once the piping was in, the cabinets were removed.
and the wall was removed.
Julie's last dance in her old room.
The electricians were next and they encountered a mass of spaghetti that required all of the drywall to come down.
Some people have asked whether we are living in the house.  Yes we are.  This certainly brings a family closer together, but NO kitchen for a 2nd weekend.  What a Paine?
Sleeping in the basement. The ceiling that was torn down for the plumbing is to the left.
Our Living Room and Kitchen

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