Thursday, November 11, 2010

Where did this dust come from???

Well, actually I do know where it came from.  The drywall is up and sanded.  Despite putting plastic up, the drywall dust has settled on everything.  The good news is that we're on the downside of the mess (if you don't count refinishing the wood floors). 
Hallway looking towards girls' bedrooms.
Val's Bedroom
Master Bedroom
With the drywall up, the kitchen cabinets went back up.  We added a kneewall in the kitchen to open up the space more.  When you come in the front door, you can see out the back door towards the lake.  We might have power and an oven by this weekend.

Looking from front door over kneewall out back door.

The old bedroom door, now closed off.
Kitchen with cabinets up.

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